Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Zona Colonial Ⅱ

Twenty minutes' drive leads me to another world.
That's what I feel whenever I visit Zona Colonial.

Everything looks so ruined but that's how they make people being touched.

Lots of unexpected events are waiting to be found there.

And the expected events as well.

People here enjoy their lives with Mamahuana and they don't need marijuana.

They don't have number one product but maybe that's why this country is much more lovable.


  1. 오래 전 담배피던 시절 피워봤던 cigar의 좋은 향이 제 코를 다시 일깨우는 듯 합니다. 두 내외분 평안히 잘 계시죠? ^^

    1. 잘 있습니다 ^^ 한동안 블로그를 좀 쉬게됐네요 하하.
