Wednesday, January 30, 2013

저는 사파리로 블로깅을 합니다.

Blogger offers various interesting statistics.
And I found there are not a few people seeing my blog with Internet Explorer.

I guess people depends on Windows and IE too much in Korea, which makes my blog look ugly...
I haven't got chance to use Android yet and don't know which browser Android users prefer,
but anyways Chrome was okay with my blog (if I remember correctly.)



The color and the font IE displays are really not my taste...
Well.. I gotta put up with it if I'm not using naver or some other korean portals.
But my blog fits for Safari!
저의 블로그는 인터넷 익스플로러를 통해 보시면 예쁩니다.
Avec un autre navigateur à part IE s.v.p.

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